Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Humor and embarrassment

Totally fluff post today. Laugh, have fun, even if at my expense today. Laughing increases endorphins, lowers stress hormones, burns calories, improves mood, and if you laugh out loud, may do all of those for others that hear you. This post is about laughter, and AN ANNOUNCEMENT... 2 upcoming sweepstakes!! Be on the lookout to enter.

Back to fun, I'm including some funny links, all about technology, I've seen recently, and then I'm going to tell you an embarrassing and funny story from my life. Up front I just want you to know, I no longer have the shirt.

Blackberry's not working
It Will Never Work
Country Tech Support

No more tech support, now the confusion of airplanes and embarrassment. I was traveling as a teenager with my mom. I'd been on airplanes often and never had any problems, so we sat in different rows. As the plane took off, I, without warning, vomited all over my shirt. The luggage was in the row with my mother and I didn't want to get up and walk down the isle, so I rang the stewardess button and asked her to get my mother from a couple of rows back. The poor gentleman next to me, sat there, still reading his paper, until my mom came up with the bag. She asked if he would trade her seats for a while, and helped me change. After changing, I still felt queasy, so I took out the airlines "bag". My mother suggested I visit the restroom. (Why is it that I didn't think of that? Apparently the stomach problems made my brain also stop working.) So I went to the bathroom and my lack of brain became a bigger problem. I entered the restroom and they had "bags" available in there as well. Now I was confused, do I throw up in the toilet? Or are they concerned about lingering smells? Do I throw up in the bag? If I throw up in the bag, do I leave it in the trash? If I do leave it in the trash, wouldn't that cause a bigger smell problem than the toilet? Why would they put a sick person through all this? Anyway, I finished my business and went back to my seat, where, not surprisingly, the gentleman had decided that my mother could just have his seat, and we finished the flight. To all stewardesses and stewards everywhere, I apologize for the "bags" but just so you know, it would be easier if there were signs. (Please vomit here.) 

Thanks! See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I love your story! It sure made me laugh!
