Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Creeping up

Things creeping up, pretty much bad.  Scales, bugs, dates, if it's creeping that can't be good.  I feel a little worried about the creeping things in my world.  I actually thought I had my stress under control, but, no.  Now I have to take control of my creepings.

Taking control.  Or letting go.  The decisions about what to take hold and what to let go seem to be growing for everyone.  It can be difficult to decide what is your job and what you need to leave alone, especially when everything around you feels SO important.  I am not great at this, being a confessed control freak, but I'm learning.  Part of my learning comes from realizing that my kids and I don't have to do or be everything.  That is helping.  Also turning things off and thinking helps.  I notice that I can think really clearly when I'm out mowing the lawn, probably because there is nothing to do but think and I don't have kids, phones, needs interrupting. 

Try to get some time this week to just let yourself feel and think.  No lists of what's not done, no pressures of wasting time, just a much needed sanity relief.  Let me know how it goes, if you're still sane that is.  :)

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